Are Spiritual Fathers Permitted? (Part 2)

11th August 2023

Roles of a Spiritual Father


Circumcision is the primary role of a father. Abraham was first instructed by God to circumcise his household, and this command was to be kept by all his male descendants. Circumcision is a very painful exercise carried out on the most sensitive area of the male body. As such, it is not something that just anyone can do.

One might be a spiritual influence without being a father. Spiritual circumcision involves invading the most private areas of the offspring and adjusting it. This is usually done by the one who births the child. And we see Paul taking up that role in 1 Corinthians 4:14-16.

The perfect example of sonship is the Lord Jesus and the Father in Heaven. The Father wounded Jesus on the cross and after three days, He raised him up.



Provision is another important part of a paternal relationship. A father provides for the child. In a spiritual fatherhood relationship, a spiritual father is the one who provides the primary spiritual nourishment for the child.

A spiritual father is not a person with very minimal input into your life. Rather, they help to shape your life.



A spiritual father instructs. We see the paternal relationship between Paul and Timothy in his letters, where Paul gives instructions to him point by point; telling him what to do and what not to do.

One of the clear signs that someone is being fathered is that they are given assignments and they’re under the father. A person, who is older, either in age or in exposure to the things of God and more knowledgeable, can be a friend who gives inputs, but that doesn’t make them a spiritual Father.

If the concept of spiritual fatherhood is biblical, then what does the Lord Jesus mean in Matthew 23:9 when He said: “And don’t address anyone here on earth as ‘Father,’ for only God in heaven is your Father?”

What the Lord Meant

This passage does not mean that we can’t call our earthly fathers, “father”, “Dad”, or “Daddy”. Like we saw earlier, the root word for father means “source”. Therefore the Lord Jesus was saying that you should not call anyone your source apart from your Father in heaven.

He is the one source of everything good and perfect. He made all things and does not want us looking up to men in a way that says that you owe all you are to them. Maybe if they had not influenced you, you would not be be as effective, successful, godly or righteous, as you are. It is true that people have huge influences in our lives. God made it to be so.

However, you must also acknowledge that God uses people. People are like His body parts and that is why we are the body of Christ. There will be people who God has used to bless you greatly. However, do not think or act as though that human being can compete with God the Father. Do not put them in God’s place in your life.

For more, visit YouTube at Red Chair Truth and watch me being interviewed on the exact subject – “Spiritual Fatherhood.”

Grace and peace.
Red Chair Truth | Spiritual Fatherhood | Is It Biblical?
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