Why Does Satan Attack Speaking in Tongues?
Why, with even the little we have looked at, is there any opposition at all to a thing provided for so clearly in scripture, and where does this opposition come from? I believe the answer to this first part will be revealed in the story I’ll be closing with. And the answer to the second, is our Adversary, the Deceiver. He does not want us to know these things for obvious reasons as shared below.
Zacharias Tanee Fomum’s Story:
…I had been four years in the university and had led four people to the Lord, but I was not satisfied. I was invited to speak at a meeting for which I felt inadequate. As the date for the meeting drew nearer, my inadequacy became greater. I had been faithful throughout the year. I was studying the Bible. I was meditating. I was zealous. But I knew that I did not have the power of God as I should. On that Saturday I went to the lab and went back home early. I locked my door and knelt down. And I told the Lord, “I will not go to that meeting unless You fill me with the Holy Spirit.” I had not been praying for long when God filled me with the Holy Spirit. I will not talk about the outward manifestations. I will tell you what happened inside. The immediate outward evidence took two hours.
I Don’t Like this Pentecostal Thing, but I Like the Results
We had a small fellowship. My evangelism partner then, Jackson N, was very angry. He said, “How can Zach Fomum become a Pentecostal? You who are such a mature believer.” We used to go out to evangelize but were winning one student every two to four months. The next week, I led four students to the Lord. When I led a student to the Lord, I went and introduced him to my evangelistic partner. Then his anger began to melt. One morning he came to my room and said, “I don’t like this Pentecostal thing, but I like the results.”
When you preached [in a certain school we would go to] and invited them to the Lord, they would make much noise, but not come forward. I preached the gospel as before, and about sixty to seventy of them stood up and were coming towards me. I said, “Wait, what are you doing?” They said to me, “But you said those who want to give their lives to the Lord should come?” I then knew they were serious, and I led them to the Lord.
The Results
Bishop John Sentamu is the second in authority in the Anglican Church. He is the first black man who has ever gotten to that post. One day he came and knelt down by me as I was praying. He later told me that after three hours, he went out. I was still so lost in God. Wherever I went, people were believing. Wherever I went, people were believing. But inside I was hungry for God. My whole being was yearning for God. When I took the Bible, I would read and read and read. Overnight I became a Bible teacher. Above all, I was hungry for God. My joy was to come from the lab, lock my door and be lost in God.
More Power, More Responsibility
Then I began to go to the streets of Kampala. I ran after sinners and led five hundred people to the Lord in the streets of Kampala. I began to go all over to preach and teach. And I have never been the same again… Then I began to cast out demons. People began to listen. People began to follow. The power of the Holy Spirit had come on me. Even at my weakest, there was a hunger in my heart for God. Even at my weakest, when I read the Bible, new things began to pop up. Immediately, my scientific results changed. Things I had been trying to do for long just broke forth.
From Opposition to Desire
Jackson N, my evangelism partner who had said, “I don’t like this your Pentecostalism, but I like the results,” also wanted to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Although he was an undergraduate student, we were age mates. When he told me he wanted to be filled with the Holy Spirit, I told him to fast for three days. He took a complete fast of three days. At 7 p.m. on the third day, he was in his room in the students’ residential hall. I went there, laid my hands on him and said, “Lord, fill Jackson with the Holy Spirit.” He fell down. And what was happening between him and God demanded that I leave him alone with God. So I fled.
All Gratitude to God
Immediately he too began to win souls at a tremendous rate. He became a new man. I owe the evangelism ministry to the Holy Spirit who came on me that day. And I owe my hunger for God to the Holy Spirit who came on me that day. The day was 24th October 1970. A hunger for God was born in my heart. It has not abated. I have a hunger for God, which is not something of my own making. From the depths of my being, I hunger for God.
Is your life a struggle – a continuous struggle? You struggle to pray. You struggle to serve. The meditations are dry. You struggle to read the Bible, you struggle to read Christian literature. You are like an engine that lacks oil. That oil is the Holy Spirit. No doubt you must have had some encounters with the Holy Spirit. But there is the encounter with the Power, the Power to live in the abundance of God. Get baptized and begin to pray in tongues unashamedly.